Boa noite com carinhos imagens APK

Version: 1.0.2 for Android, Windows PC, Mac.

Updated on: 2023-03-05

Author: Frases Forever

Download APK

[ App details | Screenshots | Installation instructions | Older versions ]

App details

Version: 1.0.2
App size: 16.8 MB
Category: Entertainment

App Description:

Good night with loving pictures. If you are looking for the best collection of goodnight m... read more


Boa noite com carinhos imagens IconScreenshot 1Screenshot 2Screenshot 3Screenshot 4Screenshot 5

Installation instructions

Boa noite com carinhos imagens works on any Android devices (requires Android 4.1 or later). You can also install and run this application on your PC or Mac by using an Android emulator app. Here's how to do it:

Install Boa noite com carinhos imagens on Android devices

Select one of the two options below, depending on the type of file you downloaded from this page.

Install APK file

Find and select the APK file. Tap 'Install' when the APK installer menu shows up. Afterwards, complete the installation by following any additional instructions that appear on-screen.

Install XAPK file

To install a .XAPK file, first download and install the Split APKs Installer (SAI) application. Then, open the SAI app and choose the "Install APKs/XAPK" option. Locate the .XAPK file you wish to install and click 'Install.'

Install Boa noite com carinhos imagens on Windows 10/11 and Mac

This app can be operated on a computer with an Android emulator. While there are various emulators available, this tutorial uses BlueStacks, which is compatible with both Mac and Windows systems.

Installing BlueStacks is straightforward. Simply download the installer from the BlueStacks website and run it. Be aware that the installer is large and setting up the engine might take some time.

If you don't have other programs associated with APK/XAPK file types, BlueStacks will open these files by default. To install an app, either double-click the APK/XAPK file or drag-and-drop it onto the BlueStacks home screen. Then, confirm the installation. Once installed, the app will appear on the BlueStacks home screen.

That's all! You've now successfully installed Boa noite com carinhos imagens on your PC Windows and Mac using BlueStacks.

If you have any questions, please post them in the discussion section below.


5.0 out of 5 - 1 reviews

Older versions

1.0.2 (21102019)2023-03-05
Good night with loving pictures. If you are looking for the best collection of goodnight messages and images, love message, endearing words, love phrases with pictures, birthday msg. this app is perfect for you!

You can also create your own images with loving messages and words using the editor. The possibilities are endless.

The best app to find and sharespecial words, beautiful phrases and much more!

The best collection of photos, messages and images to share with those special people in our life!

Images and phrases are updated regularly!